Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Going to Hollywood!

American Idol is back, and that means Katie wants to watch it. So, we've been trying to watch about 30 minutes a night after bathtime - which is when we usually let the kids watch their 30 minutes of TV per day. It hasn't been easy, because Jackson doesn't like American Idol and fusses when we turn it on instead of his current favorite, WordGirl. But when we do get a chance to watch AI, Katie talks about how she wants to go to Hollywood too.

This weekend, I bought some blank shirts to decorate for Katie. I asked her what she wanted to put on the shirts, and we wrote a list of about 12 different things. She narrowed it down to four choices, and here is what we have. Of course, one of them is "I'm Going to Hollywood!"

Katie also chose to have another Dude shirt.

And she said she wanted another nickname shirt with Peepers on it, because "I know you like it, Mommy."

The last shirt is something that Dan has said for about as long as I've known him. He doesn't get riled up about things as much as I do (he still gets riled up, just not as often), and will say, "It's all good." I've been repeating it to myself lately as a mantra to get me through Jackson's temper tantrums. It truly does help! And now my Katie will be a walking mantra. (Sorry the photo is fuzzy. I'll try to upload a better one when she wears it the first time!)

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